My name is Emma, I've been working with self healing for 20 years. I want to share this with you and help you if you feel isolated, alone and down. I can help you using the techniques I have trained in and am passionate and inspired to start a weekly group in my local community to empower, inspire and educate others on healing and wellness.
Massage, Reiki, crystal healing, meditation, sound therapy, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, cognitive and neuro-linguistic. I am combining all my training to put together weekly 2 hour group sessions to chat, discuss and raise awareness, with support and advice on different life situations. You have the chance to experience different healing techniques each week covering a diverse range of therapies.
I have decided to start with a focus on Women, because I care about you and I want you to be well! I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, an aunt and a friend. I have lived a life of ups and downs and spent some time in a women's refuge, so I understand how hard times can be. There is a lack in the community of women who support women and I want to change this, as long as it takes I am here offering help and support because 10 years ago I really needed it myself and in life if you want a change you have to be the change! A lot of my close friendships with women have never turned out very well, why is this? There is a feminine wound and I want to heal this by bringing more women together in empathy, hope and total non-judgment.
If you are a mother or a daughter and have concerns about each other this space will be somewhere you can come and ask questions confidentially. Relationships aren't always easy and sometimes having an unbiased opinion can really help. If you have worries or are suffering for any reason, come and feel supported, come and learn some amazing techniques for feeling well, happy, fulfilled and in control.
If you are a young mum, a new mum or a grandparent and find life and relationships overwhelming, come along relax, listen to alternative ways of staying on top of these life situations, feel welcome, heard and supported.
If you are a woman and you find yourself in a negative living situation for any reason, come along, take some time out, enjoy some blissful fun and inner healing through these sessions that I will share.
I encourage you to approach me with any concerns you or someone you know might be facing, you can do this anonymously through sending me a message and through my therapy work I will share my knowledge and research into providing you with answers. This can be anything from addictions, sleeping problems, self harm, gender confusion, domestic violence, negative thinking, bad habits, protective mechanisms, the list goes on.
Please don't suffer in silence. I am calling out to help and bring people together in safety, support and confidentiality.
Perhaps there has been a breakdown in your friendship groups or with family members, or you have a concern about your children. Whatever might be bothering you, talking can help and I am here to listen, encourage and advise.
First session starts Thursday 9th March 2023, 7pm till 9 pm, no need to book, arrive for the start at 7 pm, make a donation of your choice on arrival to go towards the session. Hosted by Compassionate Therapy at The Zen Den Retford.
Contact me for more details.
07522 457 422
