I use a wide range of different psychological and cognitive behaviour techniques to assist you to observe your actions and behaviours objectively and give you the understanding to evolve and change regarding the difficulties you are experiencing in different areas of you life which ever those might be.

Cognitive is a conscious process of cognition of a mental activity. When combined with identifying and understanding associated behaviours, its a therapy that consciously looks into the process of thinking and the effects of the mind on presenting behaviour related issues. Therefore a great therapy for getting into the detail behind thinking and acting and any blockages and issues that may occur in causing daily distress and prevention from living a more settled life.
I always use CBT in all my treatments as it is a general classification for psychotherapy. The approach I take with CBT falls within the follow additional classifications which i will go into more detail about individually at another time:
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.
Cognitive Therapy.
Cognitive Restructuring Therapy.
Rational Behaviour Therapy.
Rational Living Therapy.
Schema Focused Therapy.
The building blocks for CBT are made up of the way individuals see themselves, others and the world around them, moulding conclusions both consciously and subconsciously that ultimately have a long lasting and detrimental effect on thought patterns and behaviours. Together as client and therapist, we look at functions and dysfunctions, addictions including mental, emotional, physical and energetic, relapse prevention of thoughts and behaviours, classic and operant conditioning. Fundamentally I work to:
Manage stress.
Activity Pacing and Scheduling.
Emotional and Sleep Management.
Relapse Prevention.
Self Monitoring.
Stimulus Control.
Thought Recording.
Defence Mechanism.
Six Step Reframing.
Thoughts manifest into preconceived ideas and core beliefs that can surface through different kinds of negative thinking, creating negative emotions and actions that have an impact on leading a positive and active life. This way of thinking induces the following thinking styles:
Common Thinking Distortions/Styles.
Cognitions (Thoughts) and Low Moods.
Inorder for successful treatment with CBT, clients must be ready for close collaboration and complete personal history disclosure as well as homework and self healing tasks, in order for the depth of the therapy. The hardest part can be surrendering to negative impacts and situations and bareing the emotion of sharing them with a therapist. This is why it is essential to find a therapist you can open up to, relax and trust in a professional capacity.
I work on Client and Solution Focused Therapy which means as a therapist I offer my clients:
Unconditional Positive Regard.
Influenced by their past rather than determined.
Influence towards their sense of what is possible for the future.
Actions are not determined by thoughts and feelings.
The power and freedom of choice.
Validation, respect and support for their thinking patterns.
Non judgement and freedom of speech.
No 2 people are the same including their thoughts and actions, therapy is treated exclusively to each individual.
There are many pathways to change; clients have the freedom to choose.
What helps create change is not an indication of what caused the problem.
“We are disturbed not by events, but by the views of which we make of them.” - Epictetus 55-135 AD

I love this therapy! It can be fast working, efficient and effective for the right client and issue! Neuro refers to the nervous system which is made up of the brain, spinal cord and complex network of nerves. Linguistics is the scientific study of language including all properties and characteristics in general. Programming is the activity of installing or adjusting, a program or functioning system into something. Therefore Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a therapy into the examination, treatment and relief of presenting issues, caused by the programming of language and the effects on the nervous system and vice versa. Coaching is how this therapy works. Informing and educating with new NLP skills and techniques so clients can move forward in life with these self help tools in order not only to cure but prevent these issues arising again, which they will do because life is full of challenges and ups and downs.
Therapy is a life skill that everyone can use. I was drawn into working with therapy by my own self healing and in learning all these therapy skills to help others, I continue down my own path of self healing one day at a time! This is why I love coaching. Sounds like a lot? Let's break it down.
Thoughts, emotions and the language we use are the main focus for NLP. Developed in the 1970s in California America by DR John Grinder and Richard Bandler, together they developed this linguistic model that follows the language patterns of great therapists such as Milton Erickson, MD, Fritz Peris, Gestalt therapy, Gregory Bateson and Virginia Satir, anthropology and family systems therapy.
NLP practises work with language, application of specific techniques, rapport and goal setting for effective treatment of phobias, anxiety, stress, performance related anxiety and breaking bad habits.
Together we look at negative thinking whether it be of the self or others. To help do this there are several presuppositions for NLP which help us all to heighten our self awareness of our personal perceptual filters and bias. In brief these are:
You are always communicating. Verbally and non verbally via visually, auditory, kinesthetically, olfactory and gustatory processes of your nervous system and physical functioning.
Response related outcomes for everything you do and say. Taking responsibility for getting the required response via your own words and actions.
“The map is not the territory” Your map of reality is not “reality”. Adjusting your map to suit the direction and course of your journey, in order to achieve the required response.
Requisite Variety.
You are perfect and no one person is broken. Function and processes can be worked on and developed in order to achieve rational wants and desired outcomes.
All behaviours have a good use within the right context.
The benefits of always having choice.
Limitless capabilities for everyone.
You are the resource you need, you have everything inside you to survive and thrive, learning to access these resources is the key.
There is no thing as failure, feedback is the key.
Chunking down, one small bite at a time.
Positive intent.
Looking into individual people's sensory orientation is a great way to discover how information is processed and absorbed. This allows for a more efficient therapy treatment plan. NLP looks at these visual, auditory and kinesthetic non verbal communication, eye accessing cues, which is a great way for better self understanding and that of others.
Key elements to my NLP therapy work are:
Predicate Sensory Orientation.
Rapport and Collaboration.
Chunking Down Issues.
The Meta Model.
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.
Framing and Reframing.
SWISH Technique.
The TOTE Model.
The Disney Model.
Parts Integration.
Timeline Technique.
Wheel of Life.
The Circle of Excellence.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
Fast Phobias.
I will go into more detail about these elements and how they work, separately.
Through NLP and coaching, as client and therapist, together we look at all the areas in your life to ensure growth, nurture and positive improvement and reinforcement including:
Sessions for NLP and coaching are 90 minutes long and require a minimum of 2 sessions in order to thoroughly assess and absorb the depth of the treatment and planning. They can be booked separately, minimum of 2, or as a booking of 6 sessions for a reduced rate.